No anime convention experience is complete without actually watching some anime! Anime Central’s video rooms run twenty-four hours a day for the whole weekend for your viewing pleasure. We show some of everything: eagerly anticipated premieres, classics and old favorites, and series featuring Anime Central’s American and Japanese guests.
Video Programming Hours
McCarran, Lindbergh, John Wayne, Lambert, Sky Harbor, Sea Tac; Hyatt Regency O’Hare
11:00a - 11:59p
12:00a - 11:59p
12:00a - 4:00p
** The AMV room may close down for the overnight hours.
Shoujo Room
From magical girls to crime-fighting space heroines, angels to demons and card-collecting summoners, the Shoujo room features girl power in all its manifestations!
Shounen Room
Never get between a boy and his toys, especially when his toys are ten-story-tall mecha with minds of their own!
Dub Room
For fans of our American voice actors and anyone who would rather not read subtitles, our dub room shows anime with the English language track.
For those genre-bending (and occasionally genderbending) adventures that don’t fit in a particular category, come watch the Saotome Anything-Goes School of Video Programming Martial Arts! (Note: Hot and cold water buckets not permitted).
After Hours
During the late night and overnight blocks, we show series aimed at a mature audience. Hentai, yaoi and yuri are all represented; the vampire blocks are eternally popular; and then there’s the legendaryLSD block, for when it’s 3 A.M. and Serial Experiments Lain has you questioning whether you’re awake and watching anime or just dreaming of electric sheep.
Fan Created Room
In honor of the creative community that blends music, video clips, and a healthy dose of mad-eyed vision in new and mind-bending ways, one of our rooms is dedicated to fan-created anime music videos, parodies, and other content made possible by viewers just like you.