Anime Central is partnering with Pop-up Lockers to bring in their rental storage lockers to the convention. These lockers will be setup in the Donald E Stephens convention center where you will be able to access them at any time throughout the convention. We hope that this will be a great option for our attendees who need somewhere at the convention to store their belongs.
Renting a locker will come at an additional fee and space is limited. Pop-up Lockers is accepting reservations now from Anime Central. Follow the link below to reserve your locker.
Storage Locker Pricing
1 Storage Locker
Storage Locker FAQs
A full listing of frequently asked questions can be found on the Pop-up Lockers website.
How big are the storage lockers?
Lockers are 3ft tall and 15 inches wide and deep.
What happens if I lose my storage locker key?
We have a lost key fee of $5 to replace the key/lock, to prevent losing your key, we suggest clipping it to your lanyard with your badge.
What happens if I don't pick up my property?
All leftover property will be turned into Convention staff and their Lost and found.