Anime Central’s Retailer Hall is filled with vendors selling various anime inspired merchandise. Whether you are looking for anime, apparel, figures, or merchandise straight from Japan, our retailers carry a wide variety of products. We are proud to welcome retailers from around the world to our convention. The retailer hall will be open all three days of our convention.
Retailer Registration
Thank you for showing interest in the Anime Central Retailer Hall, and for joining us as we showcase many Anime Central events at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center! It is our goal to ensure that your experience, here at Anime Central, is an overall successful one, so please use the below information and links to help you with the many decisions and opportunities that we offer while here at Anime Central for retailers.
Retailer and Artist Alley Rules
As a starting point, you should review the exhibition rules for Anime Central before submitting any information to us. Not only will this help you understand what to expect if selected to participate as an retailer, it will answer most of the questions you may have about selling at our convention. Such as what can and cannot be sold.
Retailer Pre-Boarding
Pre-boarding is open to both new and returning companies interested in being a retailer. Potential retailers will need to fill out the following pre-boarding form before the submission deadline. Retailers that are selected will receive an activation link to choose their booth placement and finalize their registration.
Retailer Hall Pricing
Industry / Premium Partners
Premium Retailer
Retailer Booths Include
- One (1) Free Un-skirted 8’x2’ foot table
- Two (2) Free Chairs
- One (1) Free Booth ID Sign
Each Additional Retailer Booths Include
- One (1) Free Un-skirted 8’x2’ foot table
- Two (2) Free Chairs
Additional Pricing Per Location
Pricing Per Location(s) is the act of adding an additional or premium fee depending on where your booth is located in the Hall. This easily translates to, the closer you are to the front of the hall, the more expensive each booth will be.
Pricing per location is dependent on the availability of the requested location, and is in addition to the tiered price listed above.
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Corner Option
If a corner option is added (pending availability), a $150.00 corner fee is the cost of the additional usable retailer side.
Payments Accepted
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Check Card (Via the Online System).
Submissions close on December 15th, 2024
Convention Trades and Ambassadors
If you are a convention or event interested in exhibiting at Anime Central, you will need to fill out our convention trade form. All applications will be reviewed prior to final confirmation, placement and payment processing.
Retailer Rights
- You can set up their own displays, using electric tools, if required.
- You may hire exposition service labor through the exposition services center to build your booth for booth set-up, but you are able to do all the work within your booth(s) if you chose to do so.
- You can load and unload privately owned vehicles (automobiles and small utility vehicles) at your booth.
- You may even bring food into the facility for personal consumption and/or employee consumption, but you may not distribute it to anyone else.
Show Information
Age Notices
For safety reasons, children at and under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Music & Sound Levels
If any type of music is being played in your booth, obtaining all necessary licenses from the copyright owner or licensing agency representing the copyright owner is a necessity. This is a requirement that narrows in on the playing of live, as well as recorded music and sound. Please note the stipulations outlined in the contract for additional information regarding Music and Sound Levels.
Sound/Music levels of audio/video, and human vocals should be kept within the confines of the booth area without interfering with other Exhibitors. Exhibit Space management reserves their right to create a fair Exhibiting environment for all in the hall.
Booth Areas & Materials
Booths Areas need to be within the booth so they do not interfere with any traffic in the walkways.
When large crowds gather to watch a demonstration, movie, listen to music, human vocals, and etc… that also interfere with the flow of traffic down the aisles or create large crowds at other booths (not intended), it hinders upon the rights of other Exhibitors. Our walkways need to be opened and without any obstacles at any time during Show Hours.
Please Finish Your Booth(s)
All walls or any exposed areas of the booth must be draped or covered. No graphics, logos, or print facing into another booth is allowed. Any company advertisement or promotion must face into the aisle.
On-Site Booth Review(s)
Any booth not occupied by Opening Day, will be presumed abandoned. If there is no freight in the booth and/or Show Management believes the Exhibitor will not participate in the Show, the booth will be dismantled or reassigned. This is to provide the most professional environment for all Exhibitors in the Hall.
Absolutely no shipment, equipment, or material may be brought onto the Show floor during Show hours, so a professional environment can be attained.
Employees and or Studiomates
Personnel wishing to enter the Exhibit floor must wear an Exhibitor Membership Badge at all times.
Additional Information
Move-In / Move-Out Information
The Anime Central Event has two (2) ways for exhibitors:
- Self/Private Unload/Load
- RES (Available until 06:00 pm)
- Please work with RES to ensure this method is conducted accordingly.
What is the difference between Self/Private Unload/Load and RES?
- Self/Private Unload/Load is you and your team handling all of your materials yourself – RES is only offered on specific times, please consult the RES Manual
- There is no charge to Self/Private Unload/Load
- Self/Private Unload/Load allows you to drive your vehicle in and unload your car right next to your booth(s).
- RES does have a time limit and all materials are brought to your booth at the charges described in the RES Manual.
- Self/Private Unload/Load requires you have at least two people – one to unload and one person to remain with the car at all times, in case the vehicle must be removed from the hall immediately.
When Should I Arrive?
It is recommended to arrive early as possible on times listed above, but do NOT line up before the scheduled Move-In Time.
What is the Time Frame for me to Unload?
3 Hours unless within those 3 Hours the hall closes for vehicle access, then vehicles will be required to leave immediately.
What Kind of Parking Is Available?
Parking is not handled by Anime Central or the Convention Center. Please plan accordingly.